How to Start Eating for a Holistic Lifestyle

The mini-series continues with my top 3 tips on How to Eat for a Holistic Lifestyle! Taking action on these 3 tips will help you get started and can take your whole-food nutrition to the next level!

This week I break down:

  1. MACRO and MICRONUTRIENTS: What's the difference? And why focusing on MICRONUTRIENTS can impact your health!

  2. Fast Facts: These fast facts help put things in perspective and can shift your mindset.

  3. Foods to eat: I dive into the type of food you need to eat to heal and promote health!

And that's just the beginning. After we cover all that, I share some tips on how to get the most healing and health-promoting foods into your daily diet! As always there's actionable advice so you start living your life holistically strong! 💪🤩

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    How to Start EXERCISING for a Holistic Lifestyle


    How To Start Living A Holistic Lifestyle - 3 Tips!