Start SHOWING UP for YOU and your Healthy Lifestyle - My Nutritarian Journey
Change happens when you start showing up for YOU and YOUR reasons! Start small with what you can handle to get BIG results!
This one gets PERSONAL! I share part of my journey I've never shared - even one of my dearest friends (of over 24+ years!) said she learned some things about me! 💖
Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:
By exploring the question with a client "Why am I doing this?" and wondering "Is it worth it?" I connected to my own story...
Power of Nutrition: For me, this started at 8! There's been highs and lows... its all part of the journey.
Mindset SHIFT: DEEPLY connect with your WHY to make lifestyle changes, this is not a quick fix. After all, you want to move on and get to living life!
SHOW UP: We are all guilty of breaking an appointment with ourselves, right? But why are we so quick to volunteer our time for others and not make ourselves a priority? Enough of this... SHOW UP!
Start SMALL to get BIG results: I say this all the time, just start SMALL with what you can handle and the RESULTS will SHOW-don't run the marathon on day 1! PRACTICE + PLAY = PROGRESS, and buy new shoes! 👟 😜